Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) survey
How many people does your business employ?
Do you believe your farm will be affected by the recent changes to Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR)?
How old are the farm owners?
Who is likely to inherit the farm?
Do you currently use an accountant who would be able to provide advice on inheritance tax?
Have you previously given any consideration to inheritance tax planning?
Are you a member of the National Farmers Union?
Does the farm include any farm diversification projects, such as holiday accommodation?
Do you support the campaign to get the government to rethink this policy?
Sign up for my newsletter?
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Your input is incredibly valuable and will play a critical role in shaping my work in Parliament and supporting my ongoing campaign to encourage the government to rethink this policy. Your responses will remain anonymous. Any comments or opinions you share will be used without attributing them to you personally.