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Caroline Voaden appointed to Education Select Committee

Caroline Voaden, MP for South Devon, has been chosen to sit on the Education Select Committee.  

The Education Select Committee, which will next meet on Tuesday 5th November, scrutinises the work of the Department for Education, including schools, colleges, children’s social care, the early years and higher education.  

Alongside this, the Committee also regularly holds hearings with Ofsted, Ofqual, and the Children’s Commissioner.  

Chaired by Helen Hayes, Labour MP for Dulwich and West Norwood, Caroline will sit alongside her Liberal Democrat colleague, Manuela Perteghella, on the Committee.  

Reacting to her appointment, Caroline says:  

“I am thrilled to have a place on the Education Select Committee. Education is the best investment we can make into our children’s potential and our country’s future – and I can’t wait to get to work.  

“From early years to adulthood, we must make sure all our children have the support they need to fulfil their potential, and reach adulthood with the skills, confidence, and resilience they need to lead fulfilling lives.  

“Priorities for me when we meet in November include tackling teacher retention, addressing the crisis in SEND provision, exploring ways to support and improve the mental health of young people, and broadening the curriculum to include more arts, creativity, and core skills.” 


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